Terrible Two's.....

I think we have finally made our way into what everyone has long called...The Terrible Two's. Seems like just this past weekend he started really throwing tantrums. He will lay down and kick and scream... I think he got more spankings and lectures this weekend than he has in his entire little life! LOL. Maybe since he started them early, they won't last too long! He is still a little angel..when he is being good. I would say 95% of the time he is a doll. Always sweet and smiling..but then there is that 5 % of the time where he is hitting you, or biting you, or just being plain mean! haha. Everything is good. I cannot believe we are almost done with September already! Fall is fast approaching us. I am looking forward to taking Sam to the pumpkin patch again this year...we kinda made it a new tradition starting with last year! It is important for kids to have some traditions..I always loved my family traditions, like at Christmas...I do the same thing each year. I have trouble going to sleep because I get so excited about the morning, and I get up at the crack of dawn and wake everyone else up. Sam will have some great family traditions, like Christmas, and the pumpkin patch and more. He is such a smart boy. Lately he has been putting himself to bed...we sit on the couch and watch TV for a while until he gets sleepy....putting him to bed at 8:30 was just a waste...he was not even tired yet, and it took forever to go to sleep...if we let him stay up and watch TV with us, he is usually asleep by 9 something..but he gets off the couch, gives us a hug and kiss and says night night and gets in his bed...of course we'll go in and tuck him in and make sure he gets to sleep, but it is so cute how independent he thinks he is.