Random thoughts

July already! It seems like time flies by now. It is unreal how big Samuel is. There is not alot going on at the moment, well, unless you count the fact that we bought a new house and will be closing on it on July 28th! I am so excited. I think Samuel is too, but he is worried that he will not be close to his aunt Heather anymore and cousin Dylan. He keeps asking me if they are going to still come to see him, so I have to assure him that they will. (Do you hear this Heather...YOU WILL! haha) So, we are all excited about that. Sam has done amazing with his potty training...I cannot remember the last accident he had! He always tells us when he has to go and he goes! He caught on pretty quick I must say, I mean we started it on a Friday evening and by the next week, he was having no accidents! Way to go Sammy! On June 24th, we took Sam camping for the first time. He loved it. He was so wild and excited to be sleeping in a tent with his friend Seth, that I had to get onto both of them to settle it down around 10 that night! They finally passed out. But, they had a blast throwing rocks in the river and roasting marshmellows...and I think we have two little fishermen on our hands. They both loved it. It is so fun to do things with Sam. I have looked forward to doing all the firsts with him since before he was even born. And now, to be doing them just amazes me. I love it. Lately Sam has been singing lots of songs for us. He is so smart. He hears them at daycare and comes home already knowing most of the words! He is too cute. He sings the baby bumble bee song, and twinkle twinkle little star and it is the most precious thing you have ever heard! He is such a smart boy! Other than all of that, there is really not a whole lot else to write about at the moment! Love you Sam!
Me and dill pickle will come see him as much as we can! DUH! And I expect for you guys to come over to our place too!
Awesome! :) He is so adorable and HUGE now!
I'm glad you guys had fun camping. Your next vacation should be up to VA to see our house, woman. ;) hehe
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