Wake up call

Last night Sam woke me and his daddy up at about 3 am. The reason? There was no bad dream, no monster, no bathroom trip to make...he simply woke up and wanted a hug from each of us. Now if that is not the best wake up call, I don't know what is! Ok, so after the hug he also decided he wanted coffee. Yes coffee. He loves to take sips of mine...ok, though it is decaf coffee now..so who cares! He finally went back to sleep after me and Tim having to explain that it was not time to get up and mommy was not going to make coffee at 3am for anyone! So, this morning when I woke him up to get ready, I told him I had made coffee...but, noooo, he did not want it now..and I made extra just for him this morning! Oh well. More for me I guess! Tonight is the opening day of the fair...read my post on the fair from last year if you haven't read it before. We are taking him again to the filthy melting pot of rednecks, carnies and people we know (haha) so that he can ride some rides, get all tired and ill and sticky from head to toe with cotton candy and eat a corn dog that is about as long as his arm. Ah the fair, you have to love it really. The smells of Marlboro and Cotton Candy and Candy apples fill the air, along with body odor and hot dogs...but it is just a smell you miss when it is gone. Once a year you get to go and eat what you want, eat things you just don't get all the time...like those 3 feet corn dogs, or deep fried anything..or chicken pie. Samuel is so excited to go, even though I am not sure he remembers what the fair is. He just knows if he is good at school today, he gets to go and ride some rides and see some fireworks! And that is all that he cares about! So anyway, today is a good day, what better way than to start the day with a wake up call from my baby just to get a hug from me and daddy. You can't ask for anything better.
Your son is goofy! He does and says the funniest things! I can't wait to take dylan to fair too! I wish ya'll were going tomorrow night with us!
Fun!! :) Fairs are so cool...creepy or not! lol
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