Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Sam's Spot on the Web: March 2009

Sam's Spot on the Web

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Rainy Day

Today is such a rainy day. Right now, Emily is napping and Sam is playing the Wii---he is quite good at it and his favorite game is Mario Kart! When he puts his mind to it and pays attention he can come in 1st place---but half the time, he fools around and drives off a cliff or just does whatever :) haha. Silly boy. There is really not a lot to do on a rainy day! I suppose later we will all venture out to Walmart or somewhere to grab a few needed things- and rent a movie tonight- nothing exciting. Sam has been quite the little handful today--no sugar or caffine, yet he was bouncing off walls, getting in trouble and just being wild--yet, dad wants to have him formally tested for ADHD--when we all know he has it. Oh well- Monday they are supposed to call and get us a date for the appointment, hopefully that will come soon!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

WOW- has it been THAT long????

oh my gosh- has it really been almost 2 years since I posted on this sweet boy's blog? wow- can we say a bit pre-occupied with life? LOL- no worries, I still do some writing in his journal at home. So- in two years, what has changed- wow, tons! Sam is almost 6! I cannot believe this baby of mine starts school this year and is no longer a baby! Man, how I miss him being so little! He is now fearless-he protects me. When I see a bug or a mouse, this boy watches out for his mama. He won't let anything get me. He is my hero! But, again- he is fearless- climbing trees, jumping off the top bunk, riding bikes in the street-things that make me nervous! And he is all BOY- the other day he was caught outside with his pawpaw Lane's pocket knife-he had to cut a limb for his treehouse he says- but he snuck that out, so daddy had to take it away. He also has a bb gun from his pawpaw Lane and for the first time ever, he got to shoot it this week and loved it. He got to shoot some cans with his daddy. Again- things that make me nervous!!! Sam is also ADHD. Doctor's appointment on Monday confirmed Sam had all 10 of the 10 points they look for in ADHD kids. But, we choose further testing to confirm before we begin meds. It makes me sad that all these times I have fussed at him and lost my patience- he cannot help it for the most part. Hopefully before school beings we can get this taken care of and get him on the correct meds. I want him to be able to do his very best in school because he has a bright future ahead of him. Hopefully mommy can write in the blog a little more- I just have to remember to do it! Kinda like my scrapbooking that has really gotten behind! Anyway- i love my sweet little boy, even though now that sweet little boy is a hyperactive, crazy, fearless, big kid now.