Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Sam's Spot on the Web: June 2006

Sam's Spot on the Web

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

This is the Stuff Life is Made of...

Wow, over a month since I last posted. That's has been one busy month. Sam has been in daycare now over a month. He is doing better all the time. The teachers adore him and he talks about his friends all the time. He still hates for me to leave him in the mornings, but I am told after I leave, he gets down and plays with the other kids. I am so proud of him. It has been a huge adjustment for him. I love the pictures that my son has drawn for me throughout the day. "It is a circle", he says, when it is a huge blue scribble on that white page, but yes, sammy, you have drawn me a circle and are completely proud of is your mama. I have these pictures officially hanging in the art C-129, behind my chair for all the world to see. This is what life is made of. The random colored scribbles on a page, the collection of them that I have amassed on the walls of my office. Anyone who comes in can see what a proud mama I am. I love it. Friday night, June 16, I put Sammy in his first pair of big boy underwear. Now, let me say this, my child has absolutley no interest in the potty at all. So, putting him in underwear was a huge risk. BUT, something has got to give! So, we took the chance with a nice pair of Spiderman (currently Sam's hero) underwear. This was 5:15 Friday evening...I think by 7, we had already gone through all three pair that came in the pack. This will be tougher than I thought. Saturday...a little better, an accident, but better. Sam peed on the tree in the yard...hey, atleast he peed somewhere other than his underwear. I try to explain to Sam that just like when he does not like getting his face wet, or going under in the swimming pool, Spiderman feels the same way. If he pees on Spiderman, he could drown and that is not good. Sunday Sam was diapers all day and night, as well as Monday. Tuesday, the big test. I send him to school in his underwear with 3 complete changes of clothes just like they ask me to send. I pick him up at 5...NO ACCIDENTS! I was completely ready to go home and wash 3 changes of clothes and underwear so he would have something to wear to school the next day, but no, my child did great. I could not tell him enough how proud I was of him. This is what life is made of. I would have never believed anyone when I was a teenager in high school that one day, potty training would rule the world, atleast ours and how excited I would be over it. Last night Samuel and I had a great night alone..well pretty much alone, daddy was sick and in the bed. Sam and I sat outside and threw the football to each other...we stayed out until dark. You all know that is when lightening bugs are at their best. So, in we go for a jar..and before you kow it we are both running and screaming int he yard catching these fireflies and pretty soon we have a ton in our jar, so we had to run through the house to show daddy...there were enough in that jar to light up a room! It was wonderful...and after we were tired of catching bugs, we plopped down in the grass, laid back with our hands behind our heads and looked for stars and airplanes. It was awesome. How much I will treasure those moments with my son. This is what life is made of. Nights like last night. Swinging in the dark, catching lightening bugs, and looking at the stars. How I am so grateful that I do not miss times like this. How grateful I am that I am this child's trying as it can be somedays, but how grateful I am for every single moment. This is it. There is nothing better. So, even in the most stressful times of our lives, ie: moving, looking for a house, potty training, daycare...there is simplicity and there are moments like the ones last night that make you forget every single worry in this world. How I long for more of these moments. But, how thankful I am to even have a moment.