Daycare...Trials and Tribulations
Monday, the 1st, Samuel started his first day at a real daycare, school is what we call it. He was very excited to start his school. The Friday before we even took him for a tour of the place. He was excited. They have all kinds of things to do! So, we hype it up all weekend long, about what a fun place it is and how he will have alot of new friends and have such a good time. So, Monday morning we get him ready...I take his picture on his first day. It was a happy time...that is until we get there and he realizes that mommy and daddy have to leave him himself, where he does not know anyone. What kind of parent does that!!! (kidding) From Monday on, everyday has been a test of strength..will I cry, will I not cry..will he cry, will he not cry?...Well, yes, we both have cried...daily as a matter of fact.
Why, why can this daycare transition not be a bit easier on us..all of us? Will there come a time when he does not cry, and i do not cry when I leave him? I know, I know everyone said it gets better...but when?!! I guess I am looking for someone to say, oh, he will not cry after one week..Monday will be a better day...ya know..and I know that is just not realistic. I dread the mornings because he is so stressed out..he has not been acting like himself. I had this outgoing, wild, funny little boy, who now is like a baby again. He is clingy and whiney and so sad looking. I have not seen his smile almost all week. It breaks my hear to see him like this. ya know. I look at a picture on my desk of my smiling happy two year old, and i wonder..what have I done!!! It is killing me. I know, deep down, that he will get used to it, once he knows the kids and makes friends...but when? ya know..that is what my mind keeps asking my heart...when...when will he not cry, when will I pick him up and he wants to tell about his day...all he talks about now when I pick him up is..I am not going to school now, I want to go home. I have to reassure him all night that he does not have to go back at that very moment. He wakes up and the first thing on his mind and out of his mouth is, I am not going to school, I need to stay at my home, with my daddy. It is just pitiful. For the past two days, I have told him if he can be a big boy for me and not cry on the way there, I will bring him a prize when i pick him he does not cry on the way there...but when we open the door, he shakes like a little leaf and his lip quivers and he starts to cry and holds onto me as tight as his little hands will let him. What am I gonna do. I wish there was a magic thing I could say to him to help him understand.