Wow, where has time gone?

Sorry, I notice it was December last time I posted and here it is spring time..well, today feels like spring time anyway! What is happening...well, let's see...Sam is growing everyday. He keeps me laughing and keeps me smiling. Of course, I don't have a whole lot to not smile about...but, even when there are rough days, he makes me smile. I love my boys...that is husband and my son...they are both my boys. It is funny...alot of times while I am working, or or doing nothing..which is rare..I think back to when Sam was this tee tiny little guy and how he just used to fit in my I hold him and rock him while he sleeps....which, if anyone of you has read the book "Love you Forever"...about the momma who goes into her baby's room when he is sleeping and picks him up and rocks him back and forth and sings "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be"...this is me. When he is sleeping I pick him up...all of him, he is such a big boy and I hold him and I rock him back and forth and I talk to him, thinking that somewhere in his sleep he hears me and he will always hear me...and I just love that. He is so big longer that tiny baby who fit in my arms perfectly...he still fits, and always will no matter how big he is, but now, half of him hangs off of me onto the bed. I love that I have been able to care for this little boy and help him grow and learn, but I miss that tiny helpless infant sometimes. I would not trade Sammy for anything in the world, but i still sometimes wish he would have stayed so tiny. Now he tells me what he wants to eat for supper, when he has to use the potty (which is going well) and he tells me when I am doing something wrong too. He is so creative. Loves to play "pancakes". For any one who does not know what Play Pancakes is playdough. We roll it in a ball for him and he flattens it and calls it pancakes. He eats them (real ones!) for breakfast in the mornings. When I pick him up, you can always smell the sweet sickening smell of syrup! haha. But, anyway...I just love my son. I would not trade him for anything in this world. He is perfect..he is the perfect combination of his daddy and me. I hope the next baby ( time soon, I promise) knows what a great big brother they have someday.
Awww!! :) We miss you guys! Sam is definitely the best combo of you and Tim! Can't wait to see you, babe!! ;)
Sam is sooooooo smart! He loves his aunt Heather! (me) I love to just sit and talk with him to see how his little mind works, which is very well! He's gonna make a great big cousin........again!
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