Sam's 1st post! his mommy, I do all his posting for him for now. That is until he masters how to type..which as smart as he is, probably will not be long at all. haha. Sam is almost 2 now! His daddy and I have a hard time coming to terms with that! Seems like the time has flown past us way to quickly. We talk about the times when he was a baby, when things were new to us and he was such a he talks...talks he walks, he is independent..he makes his mind up about things and tells us what he does and does not want to do. It is nuts how big he is. He sleeps in his toddler bed now..and does pretty well falling asleep in it. That of course is after he stalls and asks for milk and various items. We recently moved him into his room...after spending almost 2 years in mommy and daddies room, it was time for this big little boy to venture outside our door and sleep in his own room..if not he will end up an only child! He does ok...i feel someone watching me at night, I jerk awake and there he stands beside my bed..."mommy" his little sleepy voice I scoop him up in tuck him in beside me and daddy and we all go back to sleep. I know there will be a day when he'll be too big for sleeping with mommy and how can i turn him away.
Awwww!!! hehe that little boy is so darn precious!!! :)
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